Professional Make Up Johannesburg

Johannesburg Career College for Professional Make Up Artists

Lives and lifestyles of modern women have become very much more sophisticated in every way, especially when a special occasion looms and they want to look their best – that’s when most will call on the services and skills of a professional make up artist in large centres such as Johannesburg.

Whilst most ladies are sufficiently skilled to do just fine when applying everyday make up, a special Johannesburg occasion or gala event, where everyone makes that extra effort to look great, really demands the assistance of a professionally trained artist.

Special Occasions Requiring Professional Make Up

• An exclusive dinner party
• Special birthday
• Theatre preview
• Premiere
• Gala event
• Product launch
• Anniversary celebration
• Charity event
• Corporate party
• Ball
• Any formal occasion
• Venue opening
• Art exhibition/gallery launch
• Occasions at which professional photographs are to be taken
• Wedding – bride, her mother, retinue and members of the bridal party

The purpose of having your make up applied professionally prior to these occasions is primarily aesthetic. Our trained professional artists know how to make the most of best facial features by emphasising their beauty and enhancing such features so that they draw the viewer’s eye and predominate.

Simultaneously, their knowledge, training and skills enable the artists to minimise, play down or conceal less pleasing aspects of the face by applying specialised professional products correctly. Thus, the overall
picture is remarkably enhanced. The made up client looks lovelier than ever before, but still retains her essential and unique personal characteristics.

Professional Bridal Make Up

Bridal make up is a unique speciality. Because white remains the most popular wedding gown colour of choice and cosmetics have to be subtly applied, lest the face appear too harsh, artificial or mask-like against the backdrop of such a light, delicately feminine dress.

However, this does not necessarily mean that make up is applied so lightly that it functions less effectively; it should only appear that it’s barely there, whilst still enhancing, minimising or camouflaging and using the interplay of light/highlight and shadow to perfect the face’s underlying structures.

To learn this and numerous other expert techniques and obtain employment in this multi-functional field, it’s essential to undergo professional training and education, both academically and practically.

Where to Obtain Professional Qualifications

Our exclusive beauty and make up design academy operates from two Gauteng campuses – one in Parktown, Johannesburg and the other in the suburb of Helderkruin, in the Roodepoort area of the West Rand.

We’ve been instrumental in bringing world-class beauty education and training in a wide variety of disciplines to South African students since 1965, and remain committed to our aim of improving the beauty industry standards of all the professional practitioners who graduate from our college.

Graduates not only qualify with nationally recognised diplomas and certificates, but they’re also encouraged to sit for City & Guilds exams and apply for membership of other leading international bodies, so that they have the ability to work anywhere that they choose globally.

Apply Now

Apply now for the August intake. Book an appointment with our registrar in Johannesburg or Helderkruin, have a chat about the options available to you to identify which one of our courses best matches your professional make up ambitions, and you’re on the road to a wonderful career.


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I am the designated photographer for the only internationally and nationally accredited make-up training institution which is celebrating is 52 years of operation. I love to experiment with the power of photography, specialising in conceptual & fashion, although I love shooting anything that challenges me. I shoot on location but also have my own studio situated in Parktown, Johannesburg.

083 680 6802

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