Why Alternative Therapies like Reflexology is Going Mainstream

ReflexologyOver the past thousand years, we have gone from foraging plants as medicine to depending on Big Pharma to heal. However, over the past several years, we are witnessing the return of alternative medicine and therapies. The reasons are: patients want less invasive, non-chemical treatments—and alternative healing requires zero surgeries and drugs.

Non-Invasive with Zero Chemicals and Surgeries

It was not so long ago when the term “alternative medicine” painted hippies, bushman, shamans and swindlers selling plants on the side of the road. However, those days are long gone. Holistic touch therapies like massage and reflexology are hitting mainstream news. Unlike conventional healing that identifies disease based on symptoms and then eliminates symptoms with chemicals, reflexology is non-invasive, affordable, and treats the entire person—body, mind and spirit.


Improves the Flow of Energy into a Specific Organ

A 5000-year-old healing art originating from China and Egypt, reflexology is a touch-therapy that works on the belief that every part of the body—organs and glands, nerves and tissue, bones and ligaments—relate to a pressure point in the hands, feet and ears. It teaches that the blockage of ‘chi’—also known as energy, causes illness and disease in the body and massaging and placing pressure on these points improves the flow of energy into a specific organ. That enables the patients’ body to heal naturally and much faster and safer than Big Pharma.


Eases Insomnia, Relieves Anxiety, and Boosts Energy Levels

Today, most diseases originate from stress and burnout, which is the reason alternative treatments, like massage therapy and reflexology are in hot demand. Touch therapy not only draws energy into organs but also eases insomnia, relieves anxiety, and boosts energy levels, increasing health and wellbeing. It’s an in-demand complementary therapy worth adding to any wellness portfolio.


Find out more about our accredited short- and- long-term reflexology certificates and diplomas at Face to Face Makeup & Beauty School. Our courses include reflexology and additional massage therapies also worth adding to your portfolio.

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