Reflexology Fundamentals & Benefits

Reflexology - Face to Face Beauth & Makeup Design SchoolEnduring Benefits of Reflexology

Across the world, there is an awareness that history tends to repeat itself across all walks of life. Fashions, trends, tendencies, beliefs, and the popularity of old or ancient treatments, therapies, and remedies come and go, only to return again in a never-ending cycle of repetition.

Nothing’s Really New

Many of the treatments that are practised in the 21st century have their roots in the lifestyles and wisdom of the ancients and their entirely holistic approach to the human body. If the body is viewed holistically, the malfunction or disorder of one organ or body part has an effect on each and every other part of the body, immediately or eventually.

The rest of the body will respond or react on some level. Nothing’s really new. The interrelationship of everything that constitutes the human body has once again resumed a position of prominence in modern medical and health practices.


This is also the fundamental basis of reflexology, a natural, non-invasive theory, therapy, and treatment that is used to unblock and clear energy pathways in the body. It operates from specific points on the soles of the feet that are, according to the principles of reflexology, connected to the organs and systems in other parts of the body. A reflexology chart clearly defines and indicates the relevant zones on each foot and its corresponding body part.

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There’s a distinct correlation between the ancient arts of acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology, in that all three therapies make use of energy stimulation in and to various parts of the body. In fact, many modern physiotherapists and their patients find enormous benefits from the combination of acupuncture and physiotherapy, as utilised to help the body heal and restore itself.

This is another example of the recognition and use of ancient therapeutic wisdom and practice. Pressure and massage techniques applied to these foot zones are used to achieve the required therapeutic results for the weak or disordered area and by implication, the entire body. This broadly describes the holistic theory and practice of reflexology, a therapy and treatment which does no harm, but may be very beneficial.

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I am the designated photographer for the only internationally and nationally accredited make-up training institution which is celebrating is 52 years of operation. I love to experiment with the power of photography, specialising in conceptual & fashion, although I love shooting anything that challenges me. I shoot on location but also have my own studio situated in Parktown, Johannesburg.

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