Reflexology: Add an In-Demand Complementary Therapy to Your Wellness Portfolio

ReflexologyJust finished high school or had enough of Big Tech and after a new career that can offer financial security and make a difference to people’s lives? Today, the world is stressful, not only financially but physically and mentally. Juggling fast-paced careers, finances, kids, relationships, and other people’s expectations lead to stress, manifesting into pain, anxiety, and even disease. One proven way to reduce stress is with reflexology.

Reflexology Helps the Body Heal Itself

An ancient 5000-year-old Chinese massage-therapy that heals a body from within, reflexology reduces cortisol levels, which minimises the chances of inflammation and disease. Reflexology teaches that the blockage of ‘chi’ causes illness and that the hands, feet and ears mirror the organs. Practiced to improve the flow of ‘chi’ into a specific organ of the patient’s body, they apply pressure, push and massage points known as reflexes. That eases the blockage, aiding the flow of “chi” in the organ.


How Reflexology Benefits Our Lives

The past year has seen many people evaluate their lifestyles, with many set on taking back their health. Right now, the wellness industry is exploding. People are not only desperate to look healthier, but they also want to feel healthy – and they will spend money doing it. Reflexology is an in-demand complementary therapy that enables the natural healing processes – a gift our body does all on its own. It reduces stress-cortisol levels, balances the body’s system and organs, and betters sleeping patterns and energy levels. Millions of patients worldwide swear by it – and millions more need it.

Whether you’re just starting and want to find out how to enter this industry or you’re looking to add this therapy to your skillset, get in touch with the team at Face to Face Make-up & Beauty Design School.


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I am the designated photographer for the only internationally and nationally accredited make-up training institution which is celebrating is 52 years of operation. I love to experiment with the power of photography, specialising in conceptual & fashion, although I love shooting anything that challenges me. I shoot on location but also have my own studio situated in Parktown, Johannesburg.

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