Reflexology: A Recognised Supplementary Therapy worth Adding to Your Portfolio
You’ve probably heard many people say that if you have a migraine, massage the pressure point between your thumb and index finger. It is true. The human body has 7 200 nerve endings in the feet, 5 000 nerve endings on the hands, and 435 in each ear. If you squeeze your heel, it relieves lower-back body stress tension. If you place your thumb into your arch, it aids the adrenal glands and pancreas. That is why there is nothing more relaxing than putting your feet up after a tough day and getting a pair of hands to give them a good rub. It relaxes the body and eases the mind. It is healing.
Improves Energy Flow into Specific Organs
Reflexology is an old healing touch therapy that goes back about 5 000 years and teaches two things. The first is that every part of the body – organs and glands, nerves and tissue, bones and ligaments – relate to a pressure point in the hands, feet, and ears. The second is that the blockage of “chi”, also known as energy, causes illness and disease in the body.
Enables the Body to Heal Faster
Reflexology is a practice that uses distinctive massage techniques on pressure points that mirror a particular ailing organ. By putting pressure on these points, it not only improves energy flow, enabling the body to heal faster, it also reduces body stress, balances the endocrine system and organs, and it betters sleeping patterns. Reflexology focuses on balancing energy levels, and in times of illness, this therapy is essential to healing regimens.
Essential to Clinical Healing Regimens
Reflexology is a natural healing therapy that has gained massive attention from the Western world. Today, many health establishments incorporate it into their treatment programmes as a supplementary therapy. That means there is a significant career gap for those with a passion for natural healing. To get into this field, all you need is training coupled with the right accredited certification, and you can work for any beauty house, hotel, spa, or even open your own business – mobile or studio. You can even find reflexology work on cruise liners and travel abroad.
Contact Face to Face Beauty & Make-up Design School today for more information on how we can help you get certified as a reflexologist.
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