Professional Make-up

Premier Courses for Careers in Professional Make-up Artistry

Nowadays, most women wear at least some make-up and probably began learning about applying it themselves during their teen years, through reading magazine articles, chatting to school friends and trial and error experimentation, certainly not through professional instruction. 

This is simply how most women were introduced to the fascinating world of cosmetics and make-up, two or three generations ago. Doubtlessly, many also sought all types of remedies with which to camouflage teenage acne and oily skin, as science did not yet offer professional skin medications and dermatology was still in its infancy.

A Few Generations Ago

Make-up products on offer were rather basic, mainly limited to foundation, face powder, lipstick, rouge and cake mascara – a small block of a black substance which was stroked with a tiny brush, after which the residue on the bristles would be applied to lashes to darken them.

Varying Perceptions

Skin cleansing was accomplished with soap and water, and occasionally by using a product known as cold cream. Throughout the ages, treatments, remedies, practices and cosmetics changed, as did mankind’s perception of beauty. The robust female figures depicted by the artist Rubens, appear to modern man as being fat, but during his time, these very curvaceous bodies were considered to typify the ultimate beauty.

Early Make-up 

Some of the earliest cosmetics which have been recorded are those of ancient Egyptian origin. Bright green malachite paste was applied to eyelids, whilst eyes were lined with kohl, at that time a mixture of lead sulphide, ash, ochre and other substances. This produced the typically Egyptian almond shaped eyes, often seen in pictures and on mummy coverings.

Both men and women wore make-up, a practice particularly notable amongst the wealthy classes. Not entirely unlike today, Egyptian women stored their cosmetics in specially made boxes, which accompanied them to social gatherings and were placed under the chair whilst festivities continued. It was believed that cosmetics had healing and magical properties.

Ancient Grecian women whitened their complexions with powdered chalk or white lead, applied false eyebrows made of ox hair and applied crushed mulberries to their cheeks. Their Roman counterparts considered fair skin to be a sign of beauty and wealth, because if you owned many slaves, you were unlikely to be out in the sun, working.

Roman women also used kohl plus other cosmetics which were imported from other countries within their empire. Only those who were affluent could afford these products, and application was complex and lengthy, to the extent that such rich ladies of leisure employed female slaves whose sole purpose was applying their mistress’s make-up – perhaps the earliest make-up artists of which we know. 

Modern Artistry 

Since 1965, our prestigious beauty and make-up design academy has been providing expert, specialised tuition in beauty therapy, and numerous aspects of make-up design and artistry. In fact, we are the only nationally and internationally recognised make-up school design and special effects academy in Africa, simply the premier institution in our field.

Our full-time diploma courses include professional make-up design and artistry, prosthetics and special effects, aesthetics, beauty and fashion, at both standard and advanced levels, and styling and aesthetics technology – the full spectrum of everything that you will need to learn to equip yourself for your career.

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I am the designated photographer for the only internationally and nationally accredited make-up training institution which is celebrating is 52 years of operation. I love to experiment with the power of photography, specialising in conceptual & fashion, although I love shooting anything that challenges me. I shoot on location but also have my own studio situated in Parktown, Johannesburg.

083 680 6802

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