Myths About Reflexology

Reflexology MythsDebunking Myths about What Reflexology Is and Is Not

Modern reflexology – a non-intrusive therapy based on the theory that specific pressure points in the feet relate to various parts of the human body – is not a cure-all for medical conditions and pain. Its purpose is to help bring the body, its organs, and other parts back into a holistic balance, which allows all systems to function properly.

Assisting Natural Holistic Healing

Reflexology is also intended to relieve the body of stress, while clearing the neural pathways throughout the system by applying reflexology techniques to both feet. Once the body is returned to an improved or optimal balance, it is better equipped to begin healing itself naturally, becoming less prone to painful or uncomfortable symptoms that indicate one or more imbalance or blockage in nerve pathways.

This is accomplished by a theoretically and practically trained reflexologist, who applies pressure and manipulation techniques to the relevant parts of each foot, in turn, starting at the toes and working gradually towards the heels.


  • Reflexology is not intended as a replacement for conventional medical treatments, which should not be stopped without consulting your doctor.
  • It is not a diagnostic tool, although tightness, discomfort, or pain in a specific part of the foot during pressure and manipulation may indicate a blockage or imbalance in a nerve pathway to an organ or area.
  • Most reflexology subjects offered in courses report a physical, mental, or spiritual feeling of wellbeing, calmness, and relaxation after having a reflexology treatment, which is a clear benefit to the person and his/her overall wellness.

Becoming a Reflexologist

Face to Face Beauty & Make-Up Design School in Johannesburg offers a range of modular short – yet professional – courses, amongst them is a reflexology course in the form of a certificate programme, which consists of 10 x 3,5-hour sessions.

Our reflexology training is comprehensive, beginning with an introduction to reflexology, its fascinating history, anatomy and physiology of feet, mapping, sequence, referrals (connection pathways/points), treatments and their progression and planning, as well as aftercare and homecare tips.

In just 35 hours in total, you have the key to becoming a professionally trained reflexologist, a therapy which you can practice literally anywhere, for as long as you like.

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I am the designated photographer for the only internationally and nationally accredited make-up training institution which is celebrating is 52 years of operation. I love to experiment with the power of photography, specialising in conceptual & fashion, although I love shooting anything that challenges me. I shoot on location but also have my own studio situated in Parktown, Johannesburg.

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