How to Apply Makeup
A Quick Guide on How to Apply Makeup 
There isn’t one right way when it comes to how to apply makeup – every woman has her own routine and tips. But there are general techniques that can make the application flawless and longer lasting. Here is our quick guide on how to apply makeup effortlessly.
Start with Moisturizer
The key to beautiful, flawless makeup is preparing your face properly. Moisturizer will hydrate your skin and give your face a glowing healthy appearance.
Use a Good Primer
When it comes to achieving an impeccable look, primer is the most important step. Primer helps by filling in fine lines and it also ensures your foundation lasts longer. Apply primer before your foundation to create a smooth surface to work with.
Invest in a Good Foundation
A high-quality foundation is a must for any makeup enthusiast. Start by applying foundation with a sponge and work outwards. Remember to go up into your hairline as well as into your neck as this will look more natural.
Blush and Bronzer
Both are important as they will bring some natural, healthy colour to your face. Blush should be applied on the apples of your cheeks and bronzer can be applied on the outside edges of your face. This will give you a dewy, fresh appearance
Choose a Good Lipstick
Getting a good lipstick in a shade that matches your skin tone will go a long way. Apply lipstick on your lips after you have prepared them with lip moisturizer. You can use a lip pencil to give your lips a fuller appearance.
Finish with Your Eyes
The last part is applying your eye makeup and mascara. You can also curl your eyelashes to give them more volume. Start with eyeliner, then apply your eyeshadow and lastly you can finish off with mascara.
Click here for a Guide on How to Apply Makeup for Formal Events.
Learn How to Apply Makeup Like a Pro
Are you keen on learning how to become a makeup artist, or do you simply want to know how to apply makeup perfectly? Enrol at Face to Face Beauty & Make-up Design School to become a beauty professional or check out our short courses to brush up on your makeup skills. We have two locations that offer the same courses. Visit us at our Head and West Rand offices to find out more or contact us today.
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