Get Paid to Apply Make-up or Learn to Master Your Own with Short Courses
Love staying on trend with all the latest cosmetic tips, tricks, and techniques? If you have a love affair with colours, brushes and contouring, but want to master the tricks of the trade, then you should sign up for one of themake-up short courses at Face to Face Makeup & Beauty Design School. Below is a brief overview of the courses:
- Special Occasion: Day, Evening & Bridal—every woman deserves to know how to apply foundation and contour like a pro. Sign up alone or with your girlfriends and enjoy our 2-day workshop that covers face shapes, eyelash application, and day, evening and bridal makeup.
- Special Occasion: Day, Evening & Bridal—every woman deserves to know how to apply foundation and contour like a pro. Sign up alone or with your girlfriends and enjoy our 2-day workshop that covers face shapes, eyelash application, and day, evening and bridal makeup.
- Fast Fashion Hairstyling & Day, Evening & Bridal—with the wedding season on the horizon, bridal make-up artists will be in hot demand, creating opportunities for skilful creatives. This course covers eyelash application, scalp massage, and day, evening and bridal makeup. We also teach you some of the most fashionable bridal hairstyling techniques to add to your portfolio.
- Customary Airbrush—if the world of fashion, theatre and film make-up fascinates you, this shortcourse will show you how to make models and brides look flawless, presenters appear polished and actors look like better and younger versions of themselves. Using Kryalon makeup, we cover air foundation, brow, shadow, blush and lip techniques, contouring, shading, mixing colours, and fantasy tattoos and stencils.
- Image Consultancy and Special Occasion—if you have an eye for fashion, our short course will give you a stepping stone to enter the industry as an image consultant or a fashion stylist. Thecourse covers face shapes, colours, figure analysis and wardrobe planning. It also covers day, evening, and special occasion makeup training.
If you’ve always wanted to sign up for a professional make-up course but could not squeeze it into your busy schedule, nothing is stopping you now. Our short courses can teach you all there is to know about special effects, hairstyling, and bridal and fashion make-up artistry.
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