Beauty Therapy College

Enrol at a Leading Beauty Therapy College before February

It’s really interesting to speculate exactly why and when women, in particular, became concerned with their appearance, beauty and therapies related to enhancing or improving their visible natural assets. Although it is well known that mankind’s perception of beauty has varied during various eras, it still seems uncertain when the female of the species began to pay attention to her appearance.

Appeal of Dominant Male Beauty

Amongst animals, insects and birds, males are typically considered to have the edge over their female counterparts as far as beauty is concerned. They are often larger and dominate rival males, although there are exceptions, such as spider species, where the male may be only a fraction of the size of the female.

Male birds are a good example; in comparison, the female’s appearance is insignificant. Even the drabbest little male bird will change colour when spring arrives, all for the purpose of seeking out and attracting a mate, building a nest and rearing the next generation. The brightest, best looking fellows, who build the most acceptable sturdy nests, have the best success rate. Their beauty allows them to pick and choose.

Self-Awareness and Survival

Likewise, once humans evolved to the point where they became conscious of themselves as individuals, one can safely assume that women probably became aware that those amongst their ranks who received the most attention from men folk, were regarded by both genders as being attractive – sought after by one gender and envied or emulated by the other.

Maybe this is why and when women started adopting new, non-essential, non-life-sustaining beauty enhancements, in order to resemble their more attractive rivals, increase their appeal to the opposite six, attract a mate and continue their own blood line.

Initially, in antiquity, attracting and keeping a strong man at her side increased a woman’s own and her offspring’s chances of survival in a hostile, unforgiving environment. Such a man was most likely to be a good provider too, well able to keep the family group adequately fed and safe, qualities which increased his appeal amongst women and enabled him to be selective about the choice of his partner.

Modern Beauty

Although beauty therapies, enhancements and make-up application undoubtedly had its roots in gaining a competitive advantage over one’s potential rivals in the mating game, and there may still be a modicum of truth in this for some today, modern women are “doing it for themselves” nowadays.

Societal roles have changed. Most women work outside the home, at least for some part of their lives, whilst many pursue successful, long-term careers.

Health, skin care, exercise and beauty therapy are part and parcel of regular personal care routines, not necessarily linked to having a pleasing appearance for the benefit of others, but as part of effective grooming and body care. It makes one feel (and look) good, because you can, you do and you deserve to.

Beauty Therapy Specialists

Accordingly, the beauty therapy industry has grown, developed, diversified and evolved to become a highly specialised, niche field, for which equally specialised, professionally trained expert therapists are required.
If beauty is your passion and a career as a therapist is your dream, be sure to enrol now at our nationally and internationally accredited college. The next courses start in February 2016.


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