Ancient Wisdom of Reflexology

Reflexology Treatment - Face to FaceFirm believers in reflexology’s therapeutic benefits swear by this practice as one which is effective in a host of restorative aspects. This type of treatment is quite beneficial. It is non-invasive and definitely relaxing. Unlike a foot massage, in its true purpose and function, it is a therapy.

Similarities and Differences

Unless you have actually experienced the benefits of this therapy and/or its counterparts, acupuncture and acupressure, you may not be convinced that they are effective. Moreover, you may never consider that there are certain correlations between these three complimentary therapies.

All three treatments are based on unblocking impaired energy pathways within the body, and in doing so, restoring its natural, healthy, and holistic balance. However, their methods differ.

Reflexology therapy is seated primarily in specific pressure points on the soles of the feet, which are stimulated manually by the reflexologist to connect with a particular body part or organ. Acupuncture and acupressure points occur throughout the body. The former treatment utilises needles to stimulate pathways, and the latter is similar, without needles.

One Point of Origin

In general, ancient China is credited as the birthplace of these therapeutic practices. It is said that reflexology’s theories and practices date back to around 2 330 BC in ancient China and also around that time in ancient Egypt, while zone therapy followed from about 1 500 AD.

Becoming a South African Reflexologist

Face to Face Beauty & Make-up Design School (Pty) Ltd, is situated in Johannesburg, our home since being established in 1965. Our course is ideal for candidates who wish to become a reflexologist in a salon and those who would prefer to work from home.

  • Duration – 10 x 3,5-hour sessions
  • Level – certificate

Adopt the wisdom of the ancients to help others, holistically and non-invasively. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to apply reflexology treatments and therapies to benefit clients’ wellbeing by manipulating and stimulating pressure points in the feet, “re-turning” and rebalancing the entire body completely holistically.

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