Beauty Therapy College
Internationally Accredited Beauty Therapy College Qualifications
At our exclusive beauty therapy college in Johannesburg, we’ve heard virtually all commonplace expressions and clichés relating to an attractive appearance ever since the establishment of our school, long ago in 1965.
It should be remembered that clichés become widely known and commonly used because there usually is an element of truth contained in expressed sentiments. Those relating to beauty, its therapy and a college which focuses on creating beauty in all its forms include “beauty is skin deep”, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, “beauty fades” and “beauty comes from within” – all true to a greater or lesser extent.
• It is skin deep – if one’s skin/body is uncared for and in a poor condition, the result is not aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, there’s more to beauty than just mere good looks and great features.
• Eye of the beholder – absolutely true and thank goodness it is so. Although it is also true that some really good looking people have a universal appeal which many people find desirable, life would be excessively boring and quite chaotic if all people liked the same, identical features.
• Beauty does fade, because the ageing process is natural and changes one’s overall appearance, skin and muscle tone and texture. Nevertheless, that’s also why there’s a demand for the services of beauty specialists and therapists – people want to look as good as they feel and have a good quality of life for as long as possible. Without this, these careers would not exist.
• It does come from both without and within, since people are not one dimensional. Throughout the ages and all cultures, certain aspects of humans’ features, characteristics and appearance have been thought to represent the height of good looks, typically desired by most people within that sector. However, the concept of beauty also changes within each era and culture. Yesterday’s gorgeous will probably become today’s or tomorrow’s awful.
A therapy is designed to improve or relieve an undesired condition or problem. It typically involves a treatment or more often, a series of regular or periodic treatments.
Modern therapeutic treatments require knowledge of physiology, the body’s alignment and the way that it is designed to move, the skin, health, nutrition and basic chemistry. However, beauty therapy is practically as old as mankind itself.
In Ancient Times
During the reign of Egyptian King Thutmosis lll, wrinkle remedies contained frankincense gum and a fresh substance known as moringa. Unsightly burns and scars were treated with a composite of sycamore juice, kohl and red ochre, or a paste of carob and honey, alternatively, honey and frankincense paste. Beeswax and resin balm treated baldness and greying hair – rather surprisingly, since Egyptians shaved their heads and wore wigs.
Reflexology and Aromatherapy Massage
Ancient Egyptians are thought to be the first people who discovered and studied the properties and benefits of essential oil therapies. They added frankincense to perfume oils with which massage was performed, particularly on the feet, (much like reflexology), hands and legs (aromatherapy).
Lots More
Our college’s complete beauty therapy programme spans three years’ full-time study in total. Although each completed year at our college is concluded with a diploma and the option to obtain international accreditation; you’re invited to enrol now to ensure your place for the next commencement.
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